Here I am

So here I am. In the middle of Paris. At a funny café close to the Royal Palace called Anticafé . You pay for the time you spend here, not the drinks or snacks. Interesting concept attracting many “intellos”, like writers, students, journalits - expats mostly I would say. It took me an hour instead of 30 minutes to get here because I took the longer way to come. Not deliberately of course. Hard to check Google map when on a bike. Especially riding a Velib . Especially in the rain…. Not pouring rain, only “wet enough” as I used to call it when in Ireland. And Paris is bit like Brussels: no parallels, no structure - streetwise I mean. Every street leads to somewhere else where you would expect it to. Taking a shortcut would usually take you longer…. Or back to the beginning. No joke. It happened to me. Paris is like a big spider net, much prettier of course. But you can get stuck in it with no way out if you don’t know the tricks of this world-famous cit...