Found Peru in the Dutch Havana
Ok. I checked into my blog last night. And checked out the drafts. There are 2 posts hanging in the virtual notebook of my life since last May, waiting to be finished and pulished. What a shame... If I had time....! Although, I have. Plenty. I don't think I'll ever have more time (not in my next few decades at least) for myself than these days - unless I am made redundant. Quite unlikely but may happen. Nowadays anything like this can happen. For instance, a(n ex) collegue of mine, around 30 was "fired" last week, with a one day notice - I am not exactly sure how severe mistake he had made. I don't think he made any serious one to be honest - this is just the way things happen today when you are not the one in power. At work, in life, in love. Sometimes there is no sign at all of an upcoming bad turn. A break-in, break-up, an illness, a loss. Sometimes it just happens. You can never be ready for it. But the good news is: the opposite is also true. ...